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Power of Humor Testimonials

Presentations - Marketing - Leadership

Nothing positions people for persuasion

as well as a sense of humor.

Roger Dawson

Does a professional speaker have to include humor in his talk?

No. Only if he wants to get paid.

National Speakers Association

The shortest distance between two people is laughter.

Victor Borge

At the end of laughter is the height of listening.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Once you hear that “laughter,” you know they’re with you.

John Hale

Laughter short circuits the natural human instinct to judge. 

Patrick Schwerdtfeger 

Laughter need not be cut out of anything

since it improves everything. 

James Thurber

Humor is viewed as an outward expression of inner competencies.

The Levity Effect: Why it Pays to Lighten Up

Two good reasons to use humor when speaking:

1.) Laughter is evidence that they understand you.

2.) People never get tired of feeling good.

Steve Head     

Laughter is a powerful connection tool. Part of the evolutionary

 purpose of laughter is to create social bonding. Humor is a

great way to become memorable, stand out from the crowd,

and leave a positive impression as a likable and fun person.

Sophie Scott, Neuroscientist

Most presentations are glorified snooze-fests.

Start with a laugh. A quick laugh lets them know they're in

the hands of a good presenter, or at least a likable person.

Once you've secured that trust,

they'll be more open to what you say next.

David Nihill

The Power of Humor in Sixty Seconds.

Barron Cruz

     If you have any desire to be a professional speaker, 

  you’ll make a lot more money if you can make people laugh.

Michael Port

When you laugh with someone, you both feel you’re on the

same side. It’s a fantastic tool for building a connection.

Indeed, for many great speakers,

humor has become a super weapon.

Chris Anderson, TED, CEO

The reason why many advertising and marketing experts

suggest you do use humor is because it’s fundamental to

forming positive relationships.  We buy from people we like, 

and humor is the easiest and fastest way to get there.

Magda Kay

Humor lowers defenses, making your audience more

receptive to your message. It also makes you seem more

likable, and people are more willing to do business with 

or support someone they like.

Carmine Gallo. Author

Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking

Secrets of the World’s Top Minds

Humor in public speaking is like the salt, spices,

and herbs in cooking. The proper seasoning can

change a tasteless dish into a gourmet’s delight.

Humor can turn a dull speech into a resounding success.

Winston K. Pendleton

As a salesperson, I truly believe I could

double or triple my business if I was funnier -

and you should think about your own instincts with

humor and how you can use them to your advantage.

Patrick Schwerdtfeger

I know as a presenter until I make you laugh

you will still be deciding whether or not you like me.

Robert Bostick

If they're laughing, they're buying. 

Jeffrey Gitomer


Humor is a multi-billion-dollar industry, saturated with

actors, stand-up comedians, humor authors, cartoon

artists, filmmakers, comedy writers, late-night TV hosts

and more. A “sense of humor” is something we actively seek

in a partner, and in our closest friends. Our favorite people,

characters, and memories are often the ones that make us

laugh. Why is humor so lucrative, loved, and sought after?

The answer is because humor makes us feel good.

Isabella Steele

I’ve written other social skills books, but I consider humor to

be the most advanced and most life-changing topic. There’s a

reason it’s so highly coveted: humor is power. Humor helps

build connections and relationships in ways that few other

social interactions can. It makes all participants feel good

(laughing naturally releases dopamine). It brings people together

in shared positive experiences that are memorable and lasting. 

Gregory Peart  

The Power of Humor at Work

Colleagues who make others laugh are seen as more self-

confident, competent and higher in status, according to a

series of experiments by researchers at the University of

Pennsylvania’s Wharton School

and Harvard Business School.”

Wall Street Journal

The most productive result of any meeting is laughter.

Robert Bostick

Humor can get in under the door while seriousness

is still fumbling at the handle.

G.K. Chesterton

Levity is a funny thing.

If they're busting a gut they'll bust their butts.

The Levity Effect: Why it Pays to Lighten Up

Nothing builds rapport faster than humor.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Many years ago the late Willie Sutton was asked why he

robbed banks. His answer was, “That’s where the money is.” 

Why humor? Because that’s where the influence, the appeal,

the control, the good feeling--and eventually, the money is.

Robert Orben

Laughter is therapeutic. We turn to comedians the way

we turn to doctors—for healing, for relief, for reassurance

that everything will be OK in the end. When we laugh, we

are reminded that life, for all of its heartbreak and pain,

is still worth living.   

Matthew Hennessey  

You don’t have to be a professional comedian to use

humor successfully. In fact as a business person you

have a tremendous advantage: No one expects you

to be funny. If you can’t tell a joke, you can still slip

a light remark into a speech or conversation. Even if

it’s not that funny, it will communicate the fact that you

have a sense of humor. Remember, your goal isn’t to

be hilarious, it’s to communicate your sense of humor.

Malcolm l. Kushner

It feels significant that most five-year-olds are far less boring

 than most 45-year-olds.  It’s because they make us laugh

just by being themselves.

Robert Bostick


Audience laughter is like a dog wagging its tail.

Robert Bostick

A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it

just destroys any kind of system of dividing people.

John Cleese

Humorists also have a built-in tendency to see and enjoy the 

incongruities, ironies, absurdities, and ridiculous aspects of real life.

They thrive on the oddities of things that happen.

Paul E. McGhee, How to Develop Your Sense of Humor

If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better,

which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can

persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, 

by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth.

John Cleese

Humor is the welcome mat between a speaker and his

audience.  A short joke, a quick laugh, breaks the ice between

you and that sea of strangers. When they laugh they’re immed-

iately on your side. The laughter makes them your friend. It's

 the most powerful ammunition you can carry. “Powerful” is

the right word for the ammunition that humor gives you.

I’ve seen a clever gag or story accomplish more than

all the ranting and raving in the world could. 

Bob Hope

The attempt to develop a sense of humor and to see

things in a humorous light is some kind of a trick

learned while mastering the art of living.

Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning 

How is Humor Useful?

The most important part is it enables us to get along with

other people, to cope with difficulties, to diffuse tensions,

and just simply to make life, in general, more enjoyable.

And by having a sense of humor it means we have a

perspective on the quotidian* everyday absurdity of it all.

Robert Makoff

*def: usual, customary, commonplace.

Sharing humor in a presentation is a means to an end.

The end is people find you likable, intelligent and

someone they enjoy listening to and working with.

Maybe even leadership material.

Today the means to that end is available to everyone.

It’s called HumorPoint.

Robert Bostick

HumorPoint Founder

Ten Excellent Articles on Humor

For Presentations - Marketing - Leadership

"Wiki How to Tell a Joke"

Collaborated by 54 People

Telling a great joke is easy. It's finding one that's hard.

Fortunately, the Perfect Joke has some of the finest jokes anywhere.

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