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Funny Humor on HumorPoint
Funny Humor on HumorPoint
Funny Humor on HumorPoint
Funny Humor on HumorPoint

    HumorPoint was created to be the world's first professional high-

    performance Humor Toolbox where business people interested in

 lightening up their communication can now have a multitude of.

      creative risk-free easy to deliver humor options at their fingertips...

Our goal is to take one's 'personality type' out of the 'humor

      delivery equation' so that anyone can confidently and enjoyably

           present and communicate with humor. Our vision is to give every-

      one a chance to benefit from humor's likable and endearing......


  Qualities that let you be heard, be liked and be memorable in any

 business communication situation....................................................

 Our HumorPoint Toolbox, Keynote Talk, Presentation Training.....

 and Humor Services provide leaders and employees tactics and...

              strategies to reach your organization's presentation, marketing,............

  enhanced communication, humor, and enjoyment goals................

    Our HumorPointPro Companion Site is exclusively available for those

 who enroll in our HumorPointPro Presentation Advantage Training.

Funny Humor on HumorPoint

   In a business presentation, a moment of enjoyment and likability.

         is worth a lot. The Perfect Cartoon - the world's first curated cartoon

     search engine - lets any professional find and deliver that moment

with light-heartedness and confidence........................................

           The founding creator of the Apple "Siri," Adam Cheyer, built the back-

             end technology of The Perfect Cartoon to support our front-end vision

to deliver exceptional cartoons with every search..........................

               With The Perfect Cartoon, we showcase each prized, curated cartoon

                 and take you to any cartoon or cartoonist you love in seconds. With..

            the decline of the print media (cartoonist's bread and butter) the 

        Perfect Cartoon is built to generate a new wave of cartoon fans

               to enjoy and $upport their favorite cartoonists so.cartoonists can...

                  continue to make us smile when we least expect it and need it most.


          We hope you enjoy all the exciting content we've brought together

         for you. Be ready to have your sense of humor elevated and appre-

          ciated while attaining a welcome new level of professionalism........

        and personal success.............................................................................

   "The reason why many adverting and marketing experts suggest you

    do use humor is because its fundamental to forming positive rela-

  tionships.  We buy from people we like, and humor is the easiest

and fastest way to get there."

Magda Kay

HumorPoint Founder Robert Bostick

"The wealth of testimonials to

humor’s power is matched

only by the lack of tools and

technologies to capitalize on it...

Until now."

Funny Humor on HumorPoint
Funny Humor on HumorPoint

"Humor is a multi-billion-dollar industry, saturated with

actors, stand-up comedians, humor authors, cartoon

artists, filmmakers, comedy writers, late-night TV hosts

and more. A 'sense of humor' is something we actively seek

in a partner, and in our closest friends. Our favorite people,

characters, and memories are often the ones that make us

laugh. Why is humor so lucrative, loved, and sought after?

The answer is, because humor makes us feel good."

Isabella Steele

HumorPoint Toolbox

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