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"Language and Laughter for the Greatest Good."
Raise a Humor Flag
in Your Company
Be Smarter.
Funnier. Lighter.
funny is
at work."
Laughter need not be cut out of anything since it improves everything.
James Thurber
Your easy to present laugh-out-loud moment for your next presentation
"Humor-Wrap" this Video for your Next Presentation.
A smart presenter knows the first goal of any presentation is to create
a feel-good moment for everyone in the room. So why not start by saying
“I’d like to begin my talk with a short video about flying to do business
these days.” When the video ends “Humor-Wrap” it by saying,
“I’m confident that the ideas I’m presenting to you will be a much
better fit than his carry on luggage. I know because that guy was on
my last flight.” Then begin your talk. Your fun segway from the video
to the point you want to make for showing the video will elicit positive
feelings for you - your sense of humor - and your ideas.
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