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Funny Humor HumorPoint

"The Power of Humor and the Humor Tools To Deliver It."

             Keynote Presentation & Presenter Training             

PowerPoint HumorPoint Humor

A 'New Special Camera' Captures the Blur of the Tragic March of Human

Beings Moving Between One Boring Humorless Meeting to Another

The Tragic March.JPG
The Tragic March.JPG

"A Funny and Serious Keynote about the Compelling 

 Indisputable Power of Humor in Presentations."

"HumorPoint provides a smart, effective way
to open and close your next presentation with
pertinent, curated content designed to safely
break the ice of every audience in your favor." 
Sally Baack, Ph.D., Leadership & Strategy

Laughter short circuits the natural human instinct to judge. 

Patrick Schwerdtfeger 

Humor in Organization Blueprint

A leader without a sense of humor is apt to be like the

grass mower at the cemetery--he has lots of people under

him, but nobody is paying him much attention. 

Bob Ross​

Most presentations are glorified snooze-fests. Start

with a laugh. A quick laugh lets them know they're

in the hands of a good presenter, or at least a

likable person. Once you've secured that trust,

they'll be more open to what you say next. 

David Nihill 

 'The Power of Humor and the Humor Tools To Deliver It'

New Skills and Benefits from The Course


This conclusion has gotten some understandable attention recently.

"Rather than conceptualizing humor as a frivolous or ancillary

behavior, we argue that humor plays a fundamental role in shap-

ing interpersonal perceptions and hierarchies within groups."

T. Bradford Bitterly, Wharton Business School, Lead Author


    Robert Quick Bostick, HumorPoint Founder

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